Record Creek Restoration Work Party

Help restore salmon habitat by planting native trees 

Date: Friday, November 15th

Time/Directions: We will meet at the Ray’s in Waldport at 8:30 AM. From there we will carpool/caravan to the restoration site, about an hour away near Alsea. We will work there until all the plants are in the ground!

What to Bring: Water and food, rain protection, working boots and gloves.


This site, like many other riparian areas across the Northwest, was historically cleared up to the stream. Eventually alders colonized the area, dominating the forest canopy and stalling later stages of forest from developing. While alders adequately provide the important function of shading the stream, their logs degrade quickly when they fall instream and do not contribute to creating the habitat complexity that fish and wildlife rely on to the degree that native conifers like Western red cedars do.

As a shorter term fix, in the summer of 2019 MCWC and partners placed logjams in Record Creek in order to trap and sort spawning gravel, form pools, and increase overall habitat complexity and floodplain connection. To provide an even longer term source of large woody debris to the stream, our Restoration Work Party goal will be to plant 150 Western red cedars in the alder-dominated riparian area of Record Creek.

To RSVP, please contact Restoration Program Assistant Ari Blatt at or (541)265-9195.